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Displaying items by tag: ACCESS TO MEDICINES

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Creator: Georgian Young Lawyers Association (GYLA)

Description: Kote Rukhadze is just one of about 200,000 people in Georgia who has Hepatitis C but cannot afford the treatment. In this video he describes his everyday life and civic activism to make the treatment for the virus accessible.

Creator: Ukrainian Community Advisory Board (UCAB) Patients of Ukraine

Description: This video tells the story of how patient organizations overcame their situation of state funding for HIV/AIDS treatment in Ukraine. Funding has always been residual and insufficient and many HIV-positive patients all over the country were left without treatment. HIV-positive children, and children whose relatives were HIV-infected, signed postcards addressed to their state representatives - «Let me live!». 500 cards were personally collected for the President, which were hand delivered to him right after the press conference at the Children’s Center for HIV-positive children. Immediately following the press conference, the presidential order to the Prime Minister was signed to madate full financing for treatment of HIV-positive people in Ukraine.

Creator: Ukrainian Community Advisory Board (UCAB) Patients of Ukraine

Description: In 2013, due to the critical economic situation and national currency devaluation, the prices for drugs presented for state tenders were substantially raised by pharmaceutical companies by up to 300%. UCAB decided to appeal to pharmaceutical companies in an effort to end the sale unrealistically high priced medical products in Ukraine.

Creator: Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women of Republic of Madeconia (ESE)

Description: In this video ESE presents findings from the budget monitoring and analysis for realization and budget changes of the Ministry of Health's program for active health protection of mothers and children. The five Roma women featured in the video touch on issues of poor living conditions, limited access to health services, including outreach services, low level of immunization of their children, discrimination of Roma people in the immunization ward, non-implementation of health educational activities in Roma communities, non delivery of the invitations for vaccination in the Roma communities, and out of pocket payments related to immunization.

Creator: Sexual and Health Rights of Marginalized Communities Coalition

Description: The video follows the story of one young drug user that is a patient at the Center for Substitution Therapy. Since the centers for drug addiction treatment in Skopje are full, he has to travel to another town to get his medicine (methadone). With this individual story, the video opens the topic of access, availability and quality of medical services for drug users.

Creator: Eurasian Harm Reduction Network

Description: In this video series from the Eurasian Harm Reduction Network, opiate patients, effected family members and advocates from the UK share their tragic stories about the death of their loved ones due to overdose. The hopeful outlook of their own well-being and others like them is guided by the use of naloxone; a safe, practical and inexpensive solution to countering opiate overdose.

Creator: Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV and AIDS (KELIN)

Description: The video is about a case on Mr. Daniel Ng’etich, Mr. Henry Ng’etich and Mr.Patrick Kipng’etich Kirui who were arrested on 12 August, 2010 for having severally defaulted on their prescribed medical treatment for TB. They were remanded in the police cells with other accused persons. Daniel and Patrick were arraigned before the Principal Magistrate at Kapsabet court. Due to his very poor health condition, Henry was taken to the Kapsabet County Hospital. Mr. Zachariah Maina Bett, a Public Health Officer in Nandi County, swore the affidavit that formed the basis for the magistrate’s order of confinement in prison of Daniel and Patrick for a period of eight months. The two were released after serving two months following interventions from civil society organisations. Enjoined to the case are various individuals and organisations including Mr. Daniel Ng’etich, Mr.Patrick Kipng’etich Kirui; KELIN; The Attorney General, The Principal Magistrates Court Kapsabet and The Cabinet Secretary – Ministry of Health, Republic of Kenya.

Creator: Centre For Advocacy And Research / Center for Health and Social Justice (CHSJ)

Description: Reviewing Hopes Realizing Rights, a film produced by CHSJ, captures the community monitoring process by bringing out the dynamics of generating voices and demands at the community level.

Creator: Red Latinoamericana por el Acceso a Medicamentos

Description: Multinational pharmaceutical companies seek to keep their monopolies on medicines by using evergreening strategies, seeking additional patents after making small, non-therapeutic changes in the formulation of the same molecule (drug). This prevents millions of people around the world from accessing essential medicines to save their life. This video explains in simple and friendly language how an organized community should act to secure universal Access to Health!

Creator: Centro de Estudios para la Equidad y Gobernanza en los Sistemas de Salud (CEGSS)

Description: This film highlights the work being done to empower rural indigenous communities in Guatemala to participate in health planning and undertake community monitoring to demand accountability from public health authorities.

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